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Boxers Bones

19 15:45:15

my boxer is about a year old. and it seems that she is always limping. when were playing somehow one of her arms gets hurt and then she starts to limp. she does a big yelp and then walks away like nothing happened. is she okay? are boxers bones really fragile? and also do you have any tips that could help me make it so she doesnt bite.... SHE BITES hard!

I'll address the biting-- I am assuming this is during play.

When they are still in the litter with their mother, mom teaches them to be "big, bad Boxers" and they nip and bite each other's legs, arms, ears, whatever. They box, chase and pounce, attack one another in play.

If she hasn't been told by you what is acceptable play and what is not, she will play like mom taught her.

So now, when playing with her, if she nips and bites while playing- stop immediately, and push her away and stand up or walk away and stand silent for a moment.

Once you stand and ignore her- not looking at her, she will understand that you are withholding attention and begin to associate why.

This must be consistent and if you need, verbally reprimand in a calm, assertive voice (no yelling or shouting, etc.) "no."

Then get up and walk away and stand not looking at her for a few minutes. Do not allow her to jump on you- do like Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer does, and touch her side with a "shush" sound.

She is getting in an excited state of mind while playing and forgetting the boundaries of acceptable behavior with humans, and resorting back to the playing with mom and litter mates. You need to touch her and "shush" her to get her attention and change her state of mind to a calmer one.

Now addressing the limping. You stated it is one of her "arms" (front legs) and if she yelps in pain, there is something wrong. There bones are not any more fragile than any other dog breed, so it is not that.

It could be a number ogf thinks; a torn ligament, bone disorder, joint dislocation or disorder, bone cancer- anything.

You must take her to your vet and inform him of her symptoms and let him x-ray her legs and access the problem.

Let me know what the vet says, please.