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Boxer pups

19 15:40:08

Ok I just had a litter of pups 2 weeks ago
1 week after the pups were born my neighbors puppy died of parvo
My question is can I give my nursing female a booster shot?

Giving the nursing mother a Parvo vaccine is not the answer to preventing newborn puppies from contracting Parvo.

She is over the age of getting Parvo herself, although vets still vaccinate adults sometimes. That is a questionable debate.

Call your vet and talk to him or her about it.

Parvo virus remains in the soil/ground/yard for 7 years and cannot be killed unless your neighbor drenches bleach is every square inch of their yard- which kills grass for a long time, so they probably won't do that for you or anyone else.

So, the active Parvo is there and will get the puppies eventually.

They are too young to be vaccinated right now, however, keep the puppies inside at all times and do not allow them to be outside. Get them vaccinated the moment they are of age to vaccinate, and still keep them away from the neighbor's yard. Puppies still have a chance of contracting Parvo even after vaccinated. It takes more than one vaccinate to help them become immune to Parvo over time and even then, a percentage of puppies will still get Parvo.