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constipated orphan boxer pup

19 15:45:57

I have been raising an orphan boxer pup since he was 5 days old. he is now 15 days ols. I have not been able to stimulate him to poop today. He has been peeing. He also hasnt eaten well today
(ebselec formula) I think he is sore now and it hurts when I try to get him to poop. I dont know what to do and I hate to lose him now after all we have been through. Also How much formula should he be getting a day?
Thank you for your time,

First, be sure the wash cloth is wet with warm water like a mother's tongue. You always stimulate him while he is nursing a bottle because that is when the mother does. Of course, you must do it every hour also. But it has to be wet and warm. You gently rub the genitals to stimulate the peeing and then gently rub the anus to stimulate a poop. Generally, it will be during feeding or within 5 minutes.

Try this homemade formula.

In a blender:

1-12 ounce can evaporated milk (not condensed milk and can be store generic brand)

1 raw egg

1 cup whole, plain yogurt ( not flavored and can be store generic brand)

1/2 teaspoon white syrup (like Kayro syrup but can be store generic brand)

Blend (not froth)

Pour into sealed container and add 5-6 ounces sterile water (can be distilled water in a jug)

Then make a baby bottle of it at a warm temperature no different than we would feed our own babies. If you microwave it to warm it (after the container of formula has been refrigerated which it has to be) then remove the nipple first as to not warp the nipple and heat it (that is bad!) and check the temperature on the inside of your arm. Be positive it is ready like for a newborn human baby.

This formula has been approved by three (3) of my vets. I raised a litter of six on it because their mom didn't have enough milk and they were fat, healthy, butterballs.

Be sure to wet the cloth to stimulate him at feedings and every time he is awake. Feeding should be every 2 hours anyway.

If you need to put vaseline on his anus first before stimulating him, that might be kinder for him.

If he does not poop every other time on this formula-- see your vet immediately.

Remember, he must be kept warm in a covered box (a big whelping box or something that he can scoot in and if no mom, a pillow to cuddle... draping the box with blankets to keep out drafts and hold temp in.