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Boxer puppys sudden death.

19 15:39:54


I am turning to you after doing some research and not really finding anything similar to my friend's situation in regards to his boxer puppy's sudden death. The puppy was about 15 weeks. From what my friend has shared with me I can say that the puppy was very lethargic, always tired and sleepy. Had problems with pee/poop. He would poop or pee on the crate and then step on it or even lie on it. Puppy would poop and pee a lot. poop was moist most of the time and there was several times when he peed on my friend. I guess it was involuntary. My friend said he noticed certain things about the puppy as days went by. He thought it might have hip dysplasia because the puppy didn't walk normal and looked in pain. He also said that a day or two before it died it looked like it had trouble breathing. The puppy was taken to the vet for his second set of shots and even had xrays to see if it had hip dysplasia. After a couple hours the puppy was dead. Laying on it's tummy. I am wondering why this happened or what it could be. I'd really appreciate all the information you can provide because I'm looking into getting a boxer puppy and I would like to know what to do or what kind of testing to get done when taken to the vet.

Thanks a lot in advance.

He was almost 4 months old: If he had his shots, did it include a Parvo vaccination?

It really sounds like he contracted Parvo and if not treated immediately, is sure death. Also, Parvo is airborne and also remains in the ground (dirt, yard; grass, etc.) for 7 years. The only way to rid the ground of the Parvo virus is to bleach the entire ground. This kills grass, etc.

If this puppy died of Parvo, your friend cannot get another puppy up to 7 years, as well as notify neighbors of their risks.

Hip Dysplasia does not begin to show up, even on X-rays, until the dog is over one (1) year old, and usually not until later. There is absolutely no way a vet could possibly determine that an almost four (4) month old puppy had inherited Hip Dysplasia.

He was passed the age of "failure to thrive" syndrome, and if he had neurological problems, it would have been present at an earlier age. There is always the possibility he ingested a poison of some sort that brought on the symptoms, then death.

There are many viral diseases it could have been, and some mimic Parvo as well.

Distemper is one. Even if the pup had a Distemper vaccination, does not mean he wouldn't contact Distemper. There is always a percentage of dogs that do not develop the immunity. Campylobacter is another.

If you are interested in a Boxer puppy, don't fear. The Boxer breed is no different than another. As in all breed, they have health issues they can inherit as any disease they can catch.

Join and to read all there is about the wonderful and delightful breed and how Boxer owners love their Boxer children.

A reputable breeder who has had the parents tested for heart murmurs, etc. and have tests and vet records on both parents available to you to see, is the best. Although, these puppies bring a high price tag.

You can learn all you need to learn about them at the above mentioned websites and decide where to go from there in selecting a Boxer puppy.

I have raised and breed for years and have 20 offspring. I have not had a death or loss yet. I saved 2 with breathing difficulties, save 1 with milk allergy, saved 1 which developed the "swimmer puppy" syndrome in which 99% of puppies that develop it, die. He is a happy, healthy, well-formed 2 year old today.