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jumping issue ... but not what you think...

19 15:55:27


  I've got the perfect pup.  He's 12 weeks old, potty trained 90%, stays off furniture and is not destructive when left home alone.  His litter mates are an assortment of cats, two big dogs and two Umbrella cockatoos.
  So far, training is going well.  He sits. stands on two legs, High-Five's, shakes, sits and is working on stay and coming regularly while distracted.

  One seemingly strange thing though ... he can't jump.  Or he won't jump to be more accurate.  First, he had a bear of a time learning how to use the stairs, but mastered it, so it's not a medical issue.  He can leap off the couch like a Olympic platform diver, but can not seem to jump onto the couch or even pogo up and down when excited.

  We can only compare him to our late boxer, Dakota, who loved to jump up and down like a Mexican Jumping Bean.  How do we get Gunner the pup to discover jumping?  It was one of the most entertaining and endearing things our dearly departed Boxer did and would hope that our new little fellow would also enjoy jumping.

  One more thing, all of our dogs will jump into our arms on command.  We never trained this, they just seemed to figure it out.  The mastiff -- not so much any more.  He's a bit too heavy at 150 pounds, but our Pit Bull as well as our  late girl Boxer seemed to get the game and were always ready to be asked to jump into our arms.  Do you think our new Boxer will eventually do this too?

Hope to hear back from you.  Thank you in advance for your thoughts and recommendations.  I know most folks don't like their dogs jumping, but ours have never been rude about it and would never jump on us without being invited.

Best Regards,

J. D. Lowes
Dallas, GA.

Hope to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Best Regards,

J.D. Lowes
Dallas, GA.

ANSWER: Hi JD. I have to start this off by suggesting that you get your boy to check your pup out before trying to get him to jump.

You have to know, that every dog is different.:-) While your previous Boxer may have sincerly enjoyed it, the new guy may not. It may not be his thing. You could try to hold treats over his head, or throw a ball up in the air to get him to go after it. You could also try throwing a frisbee. Just remember, he may not enjoy jumping as much as your other dogs. If you try all of these things, and he just doesn't seem to really be into it, then try to find other activities that he may enjoy. It may suprise you that you enjoy a different activity with him more than the jumping. There's always obedience or agility. Dogs have their own personalities like humans do. You will see little quirks in your new buddy that will endear you to him as well. Also, 12 weeks is a bit young to be jumping a lot. Boxers are a slow to mature breed, and if you try to push it on him, you may end up hurting him in the long run.

I can tell that you really care for your dogs. Give this boy some time to get bigger, and let his joints stay healthy by not putting too much pressure on him right now. He may end up getting into the sport with your other dogs.

P.S. We also have a Mastiff boy, weighing in at 175 pounds for now. I couldn't imagine him jumping.:-)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey Ms. Cox,
   Thanks for the reply.  We'll let little Gunner develop his own likes and dislikes.  If he's not a jumper -- that's okay.  It's just uncanny how many traits the pup expresses that are so much like our late Boxer girl...  She was really special to us.

   As mentioned previously, Gunner is doing very well with potty training.  However, one challenge has has come up and we're not sure how to rectify it.  Here in my neck of the woods, it's been raining to beat the band lately and because of this a new problem has manifested.  Little Gunner won't go outside to do his business in the rain.  He goes caca right on the threshold of the door!  I set up a little tarp under his peeing tree to help keep him dry while outside, and this has worked.  The problem is getting him to take the walk out to the tree on his own.  He does not want to commit.  What do you think we can try to get him over his predisposition to avoid rain in the face?

Hope you're having a great day,


Hi J.D. Most Boxers don't like water at all, only to drink. My 13 year old male, before he passed, would refuse to go outside if it was raining at all. Since it's raining so much where you are, maybe you could set the tarp up closer to the house for now. The tarp is a good idea, by the way. You may have to walk him outside with an umbrella. You could also try puppy pads for when it's raining, although it may set him back a bit. Try the umbrella first, and see what he thinks. I had to do that myself with the old man. Good luck!