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my puppys

19 15:48:21

hello my names dennis i am in the airforce and live in arizona currently they are great puppys but alot of work and are 3 months old im doing good with teaching them sit but they havent learned their names yet (romeo, mitch) and they love to attack my work socks and wont come when you call them ever what tips do u have

Hi Dennis,
Thanks for your questions. First the puppies are in a critical learning stage and their attention span is quite short. Try 10 minute training sessions several times a day. Try squatting down and clap your hands once to get their attention then use the come command and pat the floor, if they come give them a treat immediately and praise them. Or you can try the come command then run the other direction they are sure to follow, just be sure to praise them again when they do it. The pups are very keen to visual cues at this age even more so than verbal ones. Boxers are more likely to learn and do as commanded if theres good reason like a treat. You can be firm but never harsh in their training. The one pup's name Romeo I'd consider changing because dogs respond to one or two syllable names best. The work socks are their way of showing a high prey drive and wanting attention. I would stop this at an early age by ignoring them and with some sort of startling noise like a whistle or can of pennies shaken as soon as they start this behavior. I hope these tips help you and your new puppies.
Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant