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Incontinence 9 Yr old female boxer

19 15:41:04

Our 9 year old female boxer, Amber, started leaking over a year ago. A course of antibiotics and Incurin seemed to work for a while. It has flared up again recently and after completing another course of antibiotics, she is being maintained on 1 x Incurin tablet a day.  The leaking continues, and she drips constantly... my house and carpets stink of urine!  The vet says her bladder feels "mushy"/poor muscle tone - is there any hope?

Is there a surgery to help? If not, I recommend doggie diapers to wear in the house and remove when she goes outside then put back on.

There are doggie diapers (you can Google it) and there is a lady that has an eBay store that can make a denim pantry that secures with velco. She wants the exact size dimensions measured for her so she can custom make them. I have them for heat cycles. Ask for a slit for her nubby tail (assuming it is docked- if not- to put her tail through for comfort)......

Search doggie panties on eBay and you will probably find her.

This is all you can do to catch the leakage and protect your furniture and carpet.