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Boxers bleeding nose

19 15:58:58

Hi, my boxer is currently 8 years old. for the past few months he has been bleeding from his nose, his right nostril has a constant dry blood 'lump' hanging out. we have had him on anti biotics and it seems like its not working. since the bleeding i have noticed he has been hearing less, been a lot more tired and doesn't eat as much. what could be the problem??

Hi Jessica,

I don't want to alarm you but nasal tumors can be a cause of nose bleeds in elderly dogs.  I assume that you've had him to a vet as he's been on antibiotics...did they run any tests or just throw medicine at you?

He needs to have a blood panel done to check for clotting factors as well as general health.  Xrays should be done of his head and chest to check for tumors.

There are other causes of bloody noses, however, best to rule out the worst and work backwards.  

I found a link for you that can explain it better than I...