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boxer dog overdue

19 15:49:39

Hi my boxer dog is overdue now for 6 days and should of had
her pups on the 1 June, she feels good her pups move and feel
ok and hasn't produced any milk what can i do?

How many days pregnant has she been?

Whelping is 63 days. It isn't uncommon to have them 56-67 (68) days.

I hope you are prepared.

You will know when she is in labor. She will stop eating and drinking, pee and poop more, roam, pace, pant, restlessness, nesting, whining, etc.

She will not have milk production until whelping. Anything she has now is antibiotics.

Call your vet if she has signs and no pup comes. She might have an obstructive canal with a pup blocking it for the rest-- this is after all labor signs are positive.

Take her temperture (rectally)...her normal temp is 102, when it falls and stays 92-96, then she is in labor (with other signs of course.)