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Boxer - Skin

19 15:49:37

I have a 18 month old Boxer.  Tyson has had skin problems for a year now under his neck and at the base of his ears.  I have taken him to 3 different Vets.  I have changed all kinds of foods, shampoo, and laundry detergents that I use.  The last Vet gave him dipping treatments due to having a skin test completed and showed signs of type of worm.  The dipping 8 times took care of this.  They have given him steroid shots in the past.  I just do not know what to do since the Vets can not even help.  Tyson stays in the house except for play time and bathroom trips.  Any suggestions?

Hi Moe,
What you have described to me sounds like demodectic mange. It can be a common skin problem for boxers. Since the dippings worked that is probably what it is.Stop changing foods,etc. instead what I would do is get some Goodwindol ointment and apply that on the areas daily until you see new hair growth, use Frontline spray to keep fleas at bay ( it also can kill mites) and put Tyson on NuVet Vitamins daily which will boost his immune system to help fight the mites off.

All dogs have these mites on them( they usually get them from their mothers), it is when the immune system is compromised that the mites get out of control. Scientific research suggests it is a T-Cell deficiency which allows the dogs immune system to become compromised and unable to fight the mites off and is probably hereditary.

You can purchased the Goodwindol ointment and Frontline Spray at and there is a link to NuVet Vitamins on my website at on the right hand side of the page (they aren't sold in stores).

There really isn't a overnight cure so patience and diligent care will need to be applied, using the methods above you should see reasonable results in 4 weeks. Keep the Goodwinol,Frontline  and vitamins on hand and keep this up. This has worked for me many  many years ago for a boxer rescue I had. I know it can be frustrating to both boxer and owner. I chose not to use the dippings after I found out how toxic that method is. I hope this information helps you and Tyson, Good Luck and let me know how it works for him.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers