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Boxer with yellow puss in eyes

19 15:49:37

I have a boxer mix 7 month old male pup and a 1 year old male boxer. they both have yellow puss coming from eyes. the vet said it wasn't contagious when it started with the 7 month old but now my 1 year old has it. they have also started with a yellow puss from their penis now. Im not sure what to do.
thank you for your help.

I would have said allergies cause the pus, however, your other dog has caught it, so it is contagious.

It could be like a pink eye infection-- but the infection is contagious for sure.

Since your vet did not think it was anything-- I highly recommend calling him again and if no help and acknowledgment of the contagious infection-- then go to a different vet!

Any good vet will take a swab and examine it under a microscope to determine if its bacterial or viral.

Get another vet please.

In the meantime, you need to get a dog eye flush and flush their eyes and clean them with warm cloth. Do not use the same cloth on both dogs because you will be transferring more infection back and forth.

I suggest you throw the used cloths away afterward.

Get a new vet please. Demand a swab of both dog's eyes for the proper antibiotic treatment.