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My Female boxer is about 65 days and the vet cant feel one puppy

19 15:40:56

QUESTION: I have a 5 year old small female boxer that is about 65 days pregnant, in the evening you can feel her pups even see her stomach moving all around. This is her 2nd litter, the first time she had 4 healthy pups. This time in the last 4 days she cant keep anything her water down and doesn't want food. I took her to the vet and he gave her a shot for the vomiting. My concern is that he said that there is one pup high in her rib cage that is not moving and one that is. Could this make my female sick if the pup is already dead? Is is common not to feel movement and the puppy is ok? This is not her regular vet so I am not sure if I should take her to someone else or give it a few more days. I don't want to jump the gun, please help and thank you, Lori

ANSWER: She ids due-- over due. Gestation is 58-65 days with 63 days being perfect.

Get her to her regular vet-- or one that knows what they are doing! A shot for vomiting is ridiculous and this stage of gestation! She should be in labor and whelping.

Going over causes the puppies to separate from their placenta sacs and drown.

This is an emergency!!!!!!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: THANK YOU!!! I just wanted to tell you thank you from the bottom of my heart, You saved my Boxers life! She had a C-Section done immediately and out of the 8 puppies...4 survived and thriving are being bottled feed and so far they are doing great! My Gracie is coming home from the vet tonight. We were not sure if she would make it, but she wouldn't give up! Thank you again, Lori

I am so glad you took her to your vet and everything is alright now. I think her age and amount of puppies she was carrying coupled with the over-gestation period, probably caused her to loose the other puppies.

But, you have 4 healthy ones, and she gets to be mama!

I am so happy to have been able to help you and had a part in saving her and puppies!