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adding a 2nd Boxer

19 15:50:17

I have a 2 yr old male Boxer who is fixed and I am thinking of brining in another Boxer puppy into our home.  I would love another male, but is having two males two years apart a good idea?  Both will be fixed as well.  I have heard in the past that two females may not be the best idea, but haven't heard anything about two males.  Thanks.

It is a myth that two females can't co-exist in the household. I have numerous female puppies I've placed that had older females in the house already and they look to that older female as a subsitute mommy.

Two males can be challenging. There isn't a parental bond for the puppy as an older female. Fathers don't bother with their young like the mothers do, and mostly teach their offspring how to play and fight.

Males (and even females) are territorial, and he might view the puppy as invading. I'm not sure, it depends on his temperament.

I would suggest a female puppy. Since he is fixed, there is no risk of unplanned litters, and if you can tolerate the heat cycles, you will have an option to breed her later to a hired stud. Just a thought...

But the female and male will get a long fantastic.

I know, as I have dealt with it numerous times.

Female puppy to older female= good
Female puppy to older male= good

Male puppy to older female= good
Male puppy to older male= unknown

If there is someone that can supervise and train, train the older male to play nice and behave, it is alright- but if left alone, no.