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running problem

19 15:45:05

hi angela. i have a 10 and half months old boxer. i know all boxers are agile but Milo's aglility is something to see.he loves running and since we have lots of garden space he keeps on running. also when we take him for walks he keeps on running.he doesnt seem to tire at all.due to all this excercise he is not gaining weight at all.he is not sickly thin but in human terms he has a size zero.moreover he doesnt seem to like food that much too.there are many a days when he skips his meals. pls help.

Hi Anne,

You may be able to put some weight on him by adding can dog food to his dry kibble, this will usually stimulate his appetite. Feed him 2 cups dry kibble mixed with 1/2 can of canned dog food in the morning and the same amount in the evening.If after one month this hasn't put weight on him try adding a multivitamin for dogs daily to his diet as well. The running is normal activity for young boxers and he should grow out of it to an extent. It would be a good idea to let the vet check him out for parasites too. Allow him to run in the garden before going on walks, then he will be much less likely to try to run during your walks.It will tire him some. When going for walks use a short leash and correct him if he tries to pull or run , don't let him. If he tries during walks ,stop, turn around and go back the opposite way, he will soon learn if he does try to pull or run the walk will end by going the other way or home.Take treats with you and when he does as asked immediately give him one and praise. Good luck and thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant