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Several Questions.

19 15:56:36

 I have several questions about my boxer puppy Chase. Chase is 10 weeks old and we have had him for 2 week. Chase is having a lot of trouble with a leash. The minute that we attach his leash to his collar he sits and will not move. We have tried everything to get him to move but he won't, from coaxing him with treats to trying to tugging on him leash, and trying to get him to run after us.
  Another question I have is, is it bad to let you boxer sleep with you? We have been letting him sleep in bed with us and makes it through the night without an accident. (We get up at 2:30AM  and 6:00AM to let him out)
     He weights 12.4 lbs right now but you can see his ribs and appears to be skinny to us, is this normal for a boxer puppy who is almost 11 weeks old?  

Hi Emily. Try putting the leash on him, and just letting him walk around the house with it at first. This will let him get use to it. After a few days, try 'walking' him on it. This is how I get my young dogs use to a leash so it doesn't freak them out. After a few days of dragging the leash around, it doesn't usually faze them. Of course, you only want to do this about 5 minutes at a time, and you want to make sure someone's always watching him when you try this. As for letting him sleep with you, that's a personal choice. Some people let them, some don't. There's really not a right or wrong answer on this. Just remember, this puppy will grow up to be a big guy. It's up to you if you want a 60+ dog sleeping in the bed. :-) If you decide that you don't want to fight him for the bed when he gets older, now's the time to get him use to sleeping somewhere else. (I personally let my dogs sleep with me. One at a time of course, but I have a weakness for them myself) As for his weight, just make sure that he is properly wormed, and is fed correctly. They go through growth spurts that make you want to hide your eyes, that includes looking like they're starved to death at times. If he's been wormed and is on a good diet, he's probably looking thin because he hit one of those growth spurts. In a couple of months, you most likely won't even recognise him. He may be all legs with a tiny body and head. It's normal though, so don't worry.:-) Good luck!