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My Boxer has bumps everywhere

19 15:41:26

I have a 18 month old female boxer and she all the sudden started getting a few small bumps and then all the sudden it was about 20 bumps small and large. First on her shoulder then its moved on her head,neck,back. I havent changed any food,shampoo chemicals or anything. Shes always scratching. Her ear is always itching her we clean them with dog ear cleanser but one looks infected and red and has scab like bumps in it. They dont seem to hurt her but its scaring me because it started with 1or2 now its at least 30-40. Please help my babe girl Abby.

Hi Samantha,

Get her to the vet immediately. Sounds like a an allergic reaction and ask your vet about giving her benadryl. She also may have a ear infection or mites. Good luck and thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers