Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > 10 yrs old female boxer with possible health problems

10 yrs old female boxer with possible health problems

19 15:49:32

Hi Jannie,
I am writting to you with deep sadness, I fear we might already know the answer to the questions we have. Our family member is 10 years old, she is a pure breed boxer and has always been in good health, until recently. Last fall she was very ill, throwing up, diarhera and skin tags/warts. we`d taken her to the vet, they did blood work, and x-rays as there was suspect of an intestinal blockage. NOTHING.. the vet said that she was in great health and he did not understand what was wrong. He gave us anti-vomit pills (I can`t remember the name of them) but they seemed to work. we had been soo fearful that she would not make it threw the winter. but she did! Only now, she is getting worse, she will eat, and within 2 hours be sick, yellow bile and white foam all over the place. her poor tummy heaves with spasms. We took her back to the vet, and they suggested that it be a viral infection of some kind, or drinking of stagnant water. they also told us that the only other option would be to open her up and see.. as the blood work and x-rays are clear. Wouldn`t cancer masses show up on an x-ray? I have also noticed that when she does eat, she chews her food to one side, and swallows like she is chocking, I have looked in her mouth, far down her throad and I can`t see a thing, the vet said there is no mass in her neck or throat, but could he be wrong?
As far as cutting her open, at this point, she is far too weak for it and I think that she would not pull threw. And that`s not fair to her. she has been such a good girl we don`t want her to suffer, but are (like everyone else) having a hard time accepting the fact they don`t live forever. IS there anything you can suggest? What about pedialite or boost? are these products safe for her?

Thanks for your help.
We know we are going to have to make a very very hard decision soon, we want to do what is best for her... but we don`t know how.


Get her back to the vet-- vomiting yellow bile is renal failure. (kidney failure)

She MUST be put on a KD diet NOW (kidney diet) ASAP!!!!

Yes, give her childrens unflavored Pediolyte beside her fresh water at all times.....

Soak her dry dog food in water and soften for her. And you might try wet sometimes too-- but she needs the KD dog food!

Talk to the vet about the problems AGAIN-- and the kidney testing immediately!