Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > Aggessive


19 15:42:27

My 4yr old female boxer is becoming aggressive to strangers and other dogs, she never use to act like that.  Today she nipped at the mail man for no reason and a few weeks ago she attacted the female neighbor dog.  We have a 2yr old male boxer as well and she gets along with him just fine.  what can I do to correct this aggressive behavior before she bites someone?

Hi Jyl,

Re-enforce your obedience training with her on a daily basis for at least 15 minutes, the sit command, stay, come , down command. A pinch collar may help you achieve more control over her in a quick way. Correct the behavior before it happens, this can be done by simply observing her body language and using the pinch collar to correct the bad behavior as soon as you see it is about to happen.If she is not spayed now would be a good time to explore that avenue. Socialize her more on daily walks for 30 minutes, this will allow you to be seen as the pack leader in a quicker way, she is taking the role over or you wouldn't be having this behavior. If you can't get a handle on the situation it would be advisable to seek an in-home trainer to help you out. Always stay calm when dealing with her but firm, if you let her get away with it just once you have to start all over again, so its important to never let her get away with not obeying a command. Good luck and thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant
Hi-Tower Boxers