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Coat Discoloration

19 15:56:21

I have a 1 year old female Boxer named Bailey.  About a week ago my husband and I noticed that she had a circle on her coat that almost looked bleached.  She is a fan color and the spot is noticeably lighter.  The spot in above her back leg.  What worries me more is that there seems to be some sort of bump where the discoloration also.  The lump is about the size of a quarter and the discoloration about the size of a softball.  Please let me know what you think.

Hi Lori,

This could be any number of things, from a bug bite to a spot of demodex to a histiocytoma to a mast cell tumor, or many other possibilities.  I'm sorry I can't provide more information, but the best bet really is to have it examined by a veterinarian.