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New boxer puppy into home with alpha boxer

19 15:56:48

I have a 3 year old boxer who is definately an alpha.  I got a new boxer puppy (8 weeks old). My older boxer is showing typical dominant behavior: she wants to be over the puppy all the time, usually literally standing over the puppy, making sure the puppy is under her.  They do well until the puppy gets playful.  Then my older boxer snaps very aggresively at the puppy. Sometimes the older girl paws and whines at the puppy, like she is trying to move the puppy under her. The puppy has gone to the older girls food bowl, and the older girl walks away, she has never growled at feeding time.
What is the best way to make sure my older girl does not hurt the puppy?
Thank you!

There are a couple of things going on here.

The alpha dominance is true. But also, the 3 year old is being motherly, to some extent.

Also, there is a jealousy factor.

Therefore, you need to watch and supervise them together.

Do not allow the older female to be alone with the puppy. And when together supervised, talk to her about being nice to the puppy in that tone of voice that is "teaching and reassuring."

Feed them apart too. You don't want an incident where she does take food away and scares the puppy at feeding time.

Be equal with them. Love and spoil her, and love and spoil the puppy.

You will need to work with them to teach the older one that standing (called posturing) over the puppy is bad and wrong. She should be scolded for this behavior so she will learn it is not okay.