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2 boxer females--looking to adopt

19 15:46:08

Hi! We have two boxer females who we've had together since they were puppies (not related) and are best buds. Our younger of the two is clearly the Alpha and the other could care less--she's your typical easy-going, loves everyone boxer. We've been thinking about adopting a third dog as a playmate, and were wondering what type of dog/personality would be best. We've kind of been leaning towards trying to find a submissive male. Suggestions???

Hi Tara,
Yes a male would probably fit into the family easily. Do expect some behavior issues among all. The new male will have to find his place among the pack. Do not be surprised if the females begin to fight each other. Even a so called submissive male may fight for position within the pack. Try bringing in a male on a temporary basis to see how well the females will take to him. Supervise all play and do not feed them together. This will give you a better idea of how well a new member of the pack might be accepted by the females. Do not treat the new member with more attention as this will cause the females undue anxiety and they may not accept him. Puppies are usually a good choice and most boxers adore them. Good luck.
Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant