Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > boxer?


19 15:41:07


Hi, we bought a boxer puppy about 1 year ago. We love her like crazy and always had dogs, but never a boxer. So, recently I've started to notice that our boxer does not have the same traits that I see in other boxers. She does not have that flat nose, her legs are super long. Regardless of whether she is full-blooded or not- she's not going anywhere. I'm just curious if it is possible that she could be full-blooded without those characteristic traits in the boxers that I have seen.

She is young and they always have long legs for their body size. She will proportion out as she matures.

As far as the flatter nose and face, some Boxers are short and wide and some more narrow and not as short. It's genetic traits from parents, etc.

I have a female that has a narrow face and a male that has a short face.

The short face is the American Standard and any less is not.

But, as you said, "she's not going anywhere."