Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > Boxer has strange scar on nose

Boxer has strange scar on nose

19 15:41:08

My boxer has this strange bump on his mouth. He is a 11 month old 75 pound male. On the left side of his mouth he had a scab and then it went away, and now in its place is a pinkish mark.
please email!


Your subject title said "Boxer has strange scar on nose" yet, you wrote "strange bump on his mouth." Which is it?

The "pinkish mark" is a scar forming as it heals due to the scab coming off.

If it was (is) just one and not numerous bumps, it could have been a bug bite.

More than one acne bumps means he is allergic to something.

Take him to your vet for his check up and the bump if it returns.

Feed him out of stainless steel dog bowls and not plastic ones.