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another dog friend for my boxer

19 15:55:07

We adopted a 4yr old boxer,Toby. about 6 months ago.  He was raised with a pug but both were adopted out when a new baby came into the family. He did well adjusting to us though he seemed at a loss as to where his buddy was.  
Lately he is whining a lot for attention, and I think it is due to me being gone during the day now that I am working more.  He gets two walks a day and we play with him so it's not like we are ignoring him.  
Would checking into getting another dog be a good idea? When we have him out on walks  he desperately wants to go up to other dogs.  However, dogs in their own yards he reacts to aggressively, and they to him.  (territory issue?)  
If another dog would be a good idea, what type and how would you suggest going about it? Thanks a lot.

A Boxer and a Boxer.

Get another Boxer.

Boxers know Boxers. No other breed plays like a Boxer.

I would contact your nearest, local Boxer Rescue. Tell them you adopted Toby, a 4 year old Boxer, and that you want a companion Boxer.

They can advise you of one with a personality that fits in with Toby, so be prepared to answer (and offer up) a lot of questions about Toby and his personality and history.

As far as missing his buddy- yes, he is accustomed to him and doesn't know how to play and entertain himself without his companion. Another one would fill the bill for Toby.

Usually a female would be wise. Rescues spay, so you don't have to worry about producing a litter- especially an unwanted litter.

Get one that is at least 2 years old if possible- but take the Rescues advise and offer of the new companion.

Toby wants to play with the dogs he sees- and if they are in THEIR yards- it is territorial. Toby reacts with aggression because they are aggressive. He means no ill will, but has to react as only a Boxer knows how.

Let me know if you find a companion Boxer for Toby!!!! Good luck in your selection.