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Boxer Puppys continuous season.

19 15:49:05

Our Boxer bitch, Maud, is 10.5 months old. She began her season on or around the 1st May 2009 and is still showing a pouting vulva and still smells like she is in season (I believe she still has the occasional drip or discharge).  
She is a thin dog, very healthy and happy, but doesn't put weight on irrespective of quantity or type of food.
Does she sound normal to you?

Thank you in anticipation of any help or advice you may give.

Heat cycles ae approximately 30 days. Sometimes a discharge can follow, but not often.

Her vulva should have diminished by now, and leads me to ask if there was a possibility of her being pregnant. Any male dog that had access to her could have mated.

Pregnancy causes enlarged, swollen vulva and minor discharge during the 58-63 day gestation period.

I am, however, concerned of her weight since you said "thin."

Are you self-feeding: allowing access to her food 24/7? Boxers are prone to simply "graze" when eating, and eat more late at night than any other time for some odd reason.

Are you feeding her a healthy all natural dog food-- no corn and no corn glutens in it?

Try feeding her a high protein all natural puppy food for a few month, and add a cup of plain, whole yogurt (no flavor) in her puppy food a few times a day. This helps aid her digestive system and general health. They love it.

You might buy a high protein supplement. Your vet and pet stores carry a cream in a tube, that is a high protein additive to her diet. This is usually for thin dogs and/or sick dogs.

Also, for good hydration, you can give her Pediolyte (electrolyte) and a generic store brand is fine. Clear, no flavor. Offer this to her in a bowl beside her water bowl. One full bowl a day.

I would contact my vet to check her swelling and see if she is pregnant though. X-ray will show whether she is or not.