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3.5 year old male very sick boxer

19 15:40:20


I have a very sick boy and no one can seem to figure out what is going on. This is day 3 of no food and no interest of eating. 2 days ago I went to let him out in the morning and he vomited 6 time and went #2 in the area of the house that he stays in. Some clear and some colorful. Since then he hasn't been able to keep any liquids down. He was drooling a lot and is extremely lethargic. He is now at the vet's office getting testing and hydration. All beginning tests have come up negative. Blood work and X-rays all clear. Since he has been on iv, no more cramping or vomiting but still no energy or desire to eat.

Any thoughts?

I am finding it hard to believe a vet running tests cannot diagnose the problem.

It sounds as though he either 1) ate something poisonous to him, 2)has digestive track problems, 3) has kidney renal failure.

All of these can be diagnosed easily with simple tests.

He needs to be fed by IV as well as hydrated, and they need to do blood work to test for poisons. They also need to test liver and kidneys.

If this vet cannot diagnose and treat to bring your boy back to health before he dies- get another vet ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!