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Boxer with severe aggression issues

19 15:57:34

My 2 yr. old boxer has severe aggression issues. He seems to want to go after almost everyone, but seems to be affraid of strange dogs ( even the sound of a dog baeking makes him run to the house when we are out). He once jumped thru the front door window after the mailman. Please help, we've had him nuetered but he doesn't seem to settle very much.

If you've had him since a puppy and not a rescue Boxer, there shouldn't be an aggressive behavior (no one has harmed him in his past)...

Apparently since it's people he's aggressive toward and not dogs, he has an over-protective attitude (protecting you and family)...

First I would start the "training" and the "consequences" on him.

Leash him and invite a friend over to ring the door bell and visit.

When he begins the barking at the door bell, and you allow your friend to enter, (keeping him on the leash and far away and under control) chastise him harshly (vocally- never spank) and tell him "No-- bad XXX <-- his name -- bad!" Jerk the leash for control letting him know that you are in control and the master (the alpha) and keep the staged situation calm and controlled.

Tell him it's a "friend" and it's "okay" and touch your friends shoulder, patting him/her, repeating that.

Every time he growls or barks, repeat he is "bad and no" again.

Continue this as often as you can. Stage the visitors and the training.

If after a few weeks he hasn't improved, continue with the same chastising words and tone, but put him either outside in backyard (fenced) or in a bedroom with the door shut. This enforces that if he does not mind you and behave when company is there, he will be isolated.

Try this and the mailman and other passerbyers will follow with a calmer attitude.