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what food can I give him?

19 15:58:12

Hello Nicole,
I recently adopted a boxer from the humane society, his name is Jordan. Jordan can have a very uneasy stomach and tends to have diarrhea often. I finally took Jordan to see my local vet, she told me Jordan could not be any healthier and to try to change his food. Jordan presently is eating Nutro Natural Choice for puppies that are large breeds. I heard the Nutro was great for dogs. Do you have any advice what food I should be feeding Jordan to help his stomach?

Hi Jeanna,

If you're buying Nutro, you're getting ripped off, quite honestly.  It's a very expensive food for the lack of quality it has.  Since you're already spending quite a bit for food, and because Jordan has a sensitive tummy, try something like Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul or California Natural.  

The most common allergens for Boxers are wheat, corn and beef...Nature's Recipe is another food that has none of these ingredients.

FYI:  Boxers aren't large breeds, no need to buy the LB food.  :)

Remember when you switch to do so gradually. A week of 75/25 (old/new)...a week of 50/50...a week of 25/75 and then 100% new the following week.  This is especially important for dogs with sensitive systems.

He may have the runs for the first week or so but this should clear as he gets used to the food.  Keep the ingredient list from your Nutro.  If he continues to have diarhea on the new food you choose, compare the labels and see what ingredient they have in common.  Try to elimate that from the next food choice.  :)