Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > Run away dog!!

Run away dog!!

19 15:58:13

QUESTION: Nicole-  My husband and I just got an unaltered 2yr old boxer.  The previous owners took him to obediance classes and and potty trained him.  We are having issues with not being able to let him off his lease, he runs away, literally takes off.  Sometimes I think he thinks its a game.  How should we address this issue?  Also, how do I correct accidents in the house?  Or train him to let us know when he needs to go?  

Thank you


ANSWER: Hi Charae,

First and foremost, you need to have him  neutered.  Millions of dogs are put to sleep every year and the majority of pregnancies are caused by dogs such as yours.  Neutering him will also limit his desire to roam.  It will also cut down on his marking.

I don't know where you live, are there leash laws?  If so, he shouldn't be permitted off leash.  

He, at this point, has no reason to come back to you.  He doesn't know you, respect you or look to you as a leader.

Start practicing the NILF method of training (you can google the term for more information).

A 2 year old already has developed cues to let humans know when he needs to go outside, you have to learn how to read them.  Most dogs will pace, circle, seem restless.

Accidents in the house should be ignored unless you see them happening.  In those cases, tell him 'eh-eh' or 'potty outside' and direct him outdoors.  Until he gets used to your home, you should let him out once an hour.  Clip a lead on him, walk him to the same spot in the yard each time and stand quietly, telling him to 'go potty'.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Nicole-

One more-  There are only leash requirements at parks and public places.  The biggest thing for us is basically to untrain him from his running away habit (the preivious owners had to get rid of him because of running away) We can't even let him out in the back yard because if he gets out, he's gone.  Once he get to know us and get use to us, how should we go about training him out of this habit?

Once you have him neutered, you should see a big difference.

Until then, don't let him out unsupervised.  To give him some room to play, and to retrain his recall, go to the pet store and buy a long line.  They're typically rolled up in a can buy them anywhere from 10' to 50'...they look like cotton leashes...just really long.

To practice recall, let him get to the end of the lead.  Call him to you...ONCE...and reel him in if he doesn't come on his own.  Once he gets to you, put him in a sit and praise/treat.  You'll need to practice this over and over.  And over.  ;)