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Leila - 3 1/2 yr old boxers weight and panting

19 15:48:15


I have two questions.  I have a healthy female boxer who only eats only 2 cups of food per day (on Nature's Own - Dick Van Patten food which recommends 4-1/2 c per day).  She has on average 4 small Milkbone or Nature's own dog treats per day.  She has gained about 15 lbs. since November. Feeding and treats have not changed, but now she is 81 lbs. Both her mom and dad were big Boxers, that I know. But, someone said it may be hypothyroid or diabetes (she does drink alot but we all do in Las Vegas due to the heat).   PANTING: It appears she is panting because of this weight - but then again in Las Vegas it's 100+ degrees, so it's hard to tell. She pants after coming in or when I walk her about 1.8 mi per da in 70 degree weather only.  She doesn't pant when resting, except when it takes her awhile to stop panting when we come back inside after her walk or bathroom trip. Picture is before weight gain mid 2007.  She was just a little larger last year November - but not much more.

Hello Joyce,

Actually, you didn't ask any question. LOL!

But I think the jest of it is her weight being contributed to a thyroid disorder and her over heating/panting.

First, Boxers are prone to thyroid problems. If you are concerned, your vet can draw blood (from the artery in her neck) and run a thyroid test on her at your request.

Secondly, your heat is a major factor in her panting condition. Boxers are short snouted and are hot natured more than other breeds (except all short nosed breeds like her). She will pant because she is hot, and Vegas is hot. I live in Texas and have the same problem.

Her weight is large for an adult female- but since her parents are big Boxers- it is genetic. I don't believe she is over weight because her picture shows a muscular, lean girl. Not fat tissue.

I don't think there is anything wrong or anything to worry about.

The panting is normal for a Boxer in high heat, and her weight can range from 55-85 pounds as an adult female Boxer. Although she is on a large size- it is genetically inherited and not fat from what I can see.

If at all concerned for her, let your vet do a thyroid test to have peace of mind, though.

Personally, I would self-feed. I allow mine to have food available to them at all times. Boxers are prone to being "grazers" and eat tiny amounts off and on- especially later at night. Notice that?

She won't over eat- she's old enough now to eat just what her hunger dictates. 2 cups is too small an amount for an active Boxer girl.

BTW- she is gorgeous!