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boxer help asap

19 15:58:13

we have a boxer who was badly abused in the past my family has a week spot for abused dogs we take them in and give them a better life. I just got a poodle who was in very poor condition it was appetent that her previous owners neglected her. when i brought the poodle home the boxer seemed fine at first but when i turned my back for not only a minute the boxer had the poodle in her mouth and was just shaking her to death the poodle is fine and only suffers a fractured jaw which will be well healed in a month but i don't understand the boxers reason for attacking the poodle can you help give some form of explanation to better understand this conflict between these two dogs


Unfortunately, no.  With the information you've provided I can't give you an explanation regarding the Boxer's behavior.

How did you introduce them?  How long has the Boxer been in your home?  How long was the poodle in your home prior to the attack?  What are you doing to 'give them a better life'?  Are you coddling them or providing them a strong leader?

There are many reasons a dog will attack and there are signals, 99% of the time, prior to the attack that are missed by humans.

I can already tell, by your posting, that you are trying to downplay this instance.  'Only' a fractured jaw and the poodle is 'fine''s not 'only' and the dog is not fine, it has a very serious injury.

If your attitude is one of feeling sorry rather than one of being a strong leader, you may want to rethink the animals you bring into your home.

If you can provide more information I may be able to give you a better understanding of what could have happened.