Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > 1 Year old male boxer is sick

1 Year old male boxer is sick

19 15:48:23

Hi Jannie
 I have a beautiful male boxer that I rescued about6 months ago. I woke up last night to him whimpering. I let him out to go potty and when he came in I noticed that he was not acting normal. He was still whimpering and shivering but at the same panting. He usually is happy to get into our bed and snuggle but he wasnt interested. Today he is very lethargic and wont play with our 6yr old boxer, he hasnt gotten up for anything. I have taken him outside a few times and he just sits down. He is usually very hyper and playful so this really has me worried. do you have any idea what could be causing this?

No, Cicely- it is impossible to diagnose.

I highly recommend and plead and urge you to get him to the vet ASAP- IMMEDIATELY.

Do not wait, do not make an appointment- just go NOW.

It could be poison- an outside poison or indoor poison; plants, or anything. It could be a snake bite or insect bite. Anything.

Or it could be his heart or other vital organ.

There is no room to play with the "whats" and I plead with you to get him to an emergency vet hospital to see a professional vet IMMEDIATELY!

Please. And let me know what they said- please.