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Fixing my boxer

19 15:53:39


My Boxer pup just turned 7 months old. He's strictly a house dog.  We give him a lot of exercise, but he's never out without supervision.  He doesn't show any signs of aggression or destructive tendencies.  He's bred from show stock, but we're definitely having him fixed.  Both the breeder and our vet (who's a boxer owner) suggests we wait until he's at least a year old so his muscles and chest fully develop.  Right now he weighs 64 pounds with perfect conformation.  In your experience, will waiting to fix him add to his structure?  We want a lean, strong dog - not a wimpy one.

Thanks for your help,


Hi Jane. There are so many conflicting reports as to when the best time to neuter is. Some say it's best to neuter at 6 months so testosterone doesn't get a chance to change the dog. Neutering an older male dog may not always cure marking or other traits as the hormone has already been in the dog's system. Some people feel it's best to wait until the dog is about a year old so that he may reach his full potiental growth wise. It comes down to personal preference. I would talk to your breeder, and ask them if they really think that neutering now would affect his growth rate. Have an open and honest conversation about this, and then make your choice. If he/she is truely worried about this, then wait. Your breeder knows his/her lines, and will know what the best thing to do for the dog. It's only a few more months. Another thing to remember is that Boxers may not finish growing until they're about three years old. Give him good food and plenty of exercise.