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sensitive stomach

19 15:41:11


My one year old boxer has a very sensitive stomach. He is extremely gassy and his stools are very loose.  At six months old he contracted parvo but is doing well now.  I just can't seem to find a food that agrees with him.  I've tired several different brands of food even making my own and it seems like he just can't break it down.  His poop is loose and you see what he ate. The vet says his weight is good for his size,55lbs. He is active and happy I'm just worried about his stomach.  Any advice?

Hi Tracy,

Most commercial dog foods contain grains and this isn't what mother nature had intended for the canine to eat hence many canines are allergic to commercial dog foods. I believe the best way to feed is as close to nature as possible,raw meat and bones.I have seen many dogs improve with this diet so it may be worth a try for Tyson.Since dogs have been proven to descend from wolves and their internal structure remains the same, and since wolves eat a natural diet I believe we should all take a lesson on what to feed our beloved canines by feeding them a diet as close to natural as possible. There are many RAW diet websites that can help with planning your dogs meals. You can find some more articles related to boxers on my website which will be beneficial to you at ,there is also an article about controlling the flatulence in boxers there as well. Remember it takes many weeks for a dog to become accustom to a new diet and they may experience digestive upsets every time you change their commercial food. You might also try feeding a cup of plain yogurt a day for a week to help build up the good bacteria in his digestive tract which could have been killed off during pravo.Hope these tips help. Thank you for your question.

Angela Donald
Canine Behavior Consultant