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black spots and age

19 15:42:42


My 11 yo white boxer has a small black spot appear on her stomach. It doesnt seem to bother her, just concerned if it needs looked at. In a human I would consider it possibly melanoma. Also she has began to slow down and lost most of her teeth,\. She is pit and boxer mix. I believe som albinoism in her. Her eyes are very red around the whites and the eyelids. Are there any concrens I should have with her at her age? Thank you so much, Janice

The under the eyes is Boxer and called, "third eye." It is cosmetic and not harmful or any type disorder-- merely genetic. Don't worry about it and also, it is not any sign of albinoism.

She is not albinio, and you cannot be partially albino, Albino animals don't have pigmented eyes- coloring- they have pinkish eyes instead of brown.

The spot could simply be like freckles and moles that appear on us-- as we age- spots appear- like "liver spots" on the elderly.

I wouldn't worry about it unless it becomes raised or changes in appearance.