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my boxer puppies

19 15:56:50

HELP!!!!! I have a boxer that gave birth last sat. to 9 puppies I've lost 5 of them one daily I took them to the bet he told me the mother had mastitis is something with her breast milk getting hard so I took them away from her 2 days ago and I'm fedding them every 2-3 hours but they are still dying yesterday I lost one and today one of them is looks bad they don't have any diarrhea or vomiting,

And you vet didn't advise you or take them into his "hospital" ????

Get a new vet sweetie.

You shouldn't have had the puppies to begin with without checking the mom out thoroughly with a vet.

To loose one puppy is sad and should have been a warning sign to you and you should have taken them to a vet ASAP then.

Canine replacement milk (Hartz makes a powder to mix with water) is what you need. Feed them in a pet nurser. The nipple is designed to simulate mom's nipples.

They need nurishment, and should be on IV's in a vet's care in the hospital.

Get a vet that will do that ASAP.