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Boxer urination excessively and suddenly

19 15:50:13

My wife and I acquired Jed, a two or three year old Boxer from a rescue firm S.A.F.E.  All was good and wonderful, we like him and he likes us.  Jed is well behaved and has posed absolutely no problems,"until now".

Now he dribbles urin everywhere he goes, wets his bed, wets in the house, and is creating quite a problem.  We took him to the vet.  They Express Anal Glands, Blood Profile (GHP), Uranalysis, and sold us some food.  Total $230.00.  Told us to wait two weeks, collect an early morning urin sample, and bring it in for analysis.

The only thing amiss was a "high calcium" level from their blood sample.  Since my wife took Jed in without my knowledge I was not present to ask why another urin sample in two weeks?  

Questions I have.

1.  Could this be "Urinary Incontinence in Boxers"?
2.  Can this be caused by drinking excessive water?
3.  Why another urin sample in two weeks? What will it possible show that the first one did not?
4.  High calcium can supposedly cause stones.  Would stones cause symptoms similar to this?

Last 5.  Would using Phenylpropanolamine medication pose any problems healthwise even if it did not correct the problem in say a week or two, and would stopping the medication if it did not correct the problem cause any problems?

I sincerely will appreciate any information which you might give to me.  Jed is part of our family, but spending significant amounts of money on a dog is a problem that we may not be able to deal with at this time.

Harold and Patricia Bentley and Jed.

Why would he be taking Phenylpropanalamine? It is used as a decongestant and highly unusual.

Drinking excessive water won't cause this but is a sign of diabetes and/or thyroid.

High calcium is a sign of pancreatitis.

Did your vet check him for pancreatitis, diabetes, and thyroid?

If not, I suggest you take him to another vet-- one that will test for these.

The dribbling is not normal and a symptom of a problem.

I know you spend a lot on the tests- but if the right tests weren't taken, it was a waste of money.