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sick boxers 911

19 15:56:31

I had a boxer a couple years ago suddenly become paralyzed vomiting and defacting anywhere.  until i had no choice but to put my  best  friend  down.  since then ive gotten 4 more boxers that has suddenly began taking on the same symptoms! please help i cannot lose my  dogs!

And your vet hasn't explained why or figured it out?

There is something in or around your home. A poison maybe. Something. 4 dogs with the same problem is telling any vet that there is something they are eating or exposed to.

If you live in the country and they roam free, they are getting into something somewhere.

If in the city and fenced, there is something in your own environment that they are getting into.

Have your vet do a tox screen on their blood ASAP to get an antidote ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!