Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > A bulldog is coming to visit

A bulldog is coming to visit

19 15:53:42

QUESTION: I have an 8 yr old female boxer. My sister is bringing a 2 yr old Bulldog to visit. How do I introduce these dogs with a view to them getting on well while the bulldog is a visitor in the house?

ANSWER: The first step when introducing two dogs to each other is to have both of the dogs on lead.  Having both dogs on a leash allows you to have complete control over the situation, should the need for such arise.  Before even allowing the bulldog into the house, take your boxer outside on leash and one of you should start walking with your dog.  Have the other follow shortly behind for the time being.  If your dog seems anxious praise him in a calm voice to relax him and create a less tense situation.

Once the dogs seem to be doing fine walking, you can walk the dogs next to each other, still on leash.  Allow them to sniff each other at this point but do not stop walking with them.  If you have been walking for a significant amount of time and the dogs have been getting along peacefully or attempting to play you can take them back home. If you have a yard you could let them out there together and allow them to run around with their leads on so you can grab them easier if a problem occurs.

A proper introduction can take about 30 minutes and starting outside the house relieves the boxer of any dominance she may have over her territory.  Afterwords you can allow them in the house together and they should coexist peacefully.

If for any reason they do not get along after many and all attempts to create a friendly environment, do not allow them to be together unsupervised for any amount of time.  If they have to be in the same house keep them in separate rooms.  However if both dogs are friendly and do well after introduction you should not have any problems!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have read that the dogs should be introduced on neutral territory that neither are familiar with. Is this necessary or can we follow your instructions in a nearby park that I walk my boxer in?

A walk in the nearby park is completely fine.  It is not really a necessity to do the introductions in territory the dogs are both unfamiliar with, the main reason is so it is done away from the home as that is where a dog can become the most territorial, over his or her own residence.