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Boxer puppy having prostate problem

19 15:46:11

We just had our 1 1/2 yr old boxer neutered today as it was recommended by our vet because of an enlarged prostate.  After the surgery she called to tell us that she believes he may have a cyst on his prostate and we have to take him for an ultrasound on Monday.  Can you maybe tell me what questions I should be asking if surgery is recommended or anything else I should know..Can you tell me more about this condition in boxers and the likely or most common outcome if there is one.  Any information would help me as I am becoming distressed about all this...thank you

Here is some recommended reading:

Boxer health problems (good to have as owner)

Since he is young, if he should have a cyst, it is more likely to be benign and not a malignant cyst.

The vet will do an ultrasound, blood tests, etc, and if necessary a biopsy or surgery to remove the cyst then run tests on the removed cyst to see if it is a benign cyst or cancerous malignant cyst.

Let me know what your vet diagnoses. I'll keep good thoughts out for him. Good luck to you and your boy.