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My 7wk old white male boxer

19 15:58:40

QUESTION: My 7wk old boxer pees all the time, we limit him to how much water and when he can have it but it doesnt seem to help. He pees in his sleep, when he wakes up he pees again and 5 mins later again and again. He just went to his vet and they say he is healthy. We also have a female boxer (fawn) and she doesnt do this!! Is there anything we can do for this.

ANSWER: Hi Stephanie...

What type of testing did your vet do and are you positive your puppy isn't deaf?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: They really didnt do much but I dont think he is, he comes when he hears us open the doors and when we call his name.

Without a urinalysis they can't tell you he's 'healthy' as far as kidney and bladder function.  My first suggestion would be to give it a couple weeks and then tell me if it's still that point I will be suggesting you get a second opinion.  It's always best to rule out the physical so you can concentrate on the behavioral.

I don't know if you're vet told you or if you were previously aware, but a 7 week old puppy does not have physical control over his bladder.  It's beginning to develop but at this stage he's somewhat incontinent.

Continue with your house-training, putting him on lead, taking him to a spot in the yard and using your potty command.  Immediately after we wakes up and/or you return home, take him out.  Within 10 minutes of eating, drinking or exercise, take him out.  Stand quietly, calmly encouraging him to go.  When he does, treat him and bring him back in the house.

If, in about 2 weeks time, you notice that he's still peeing up a storm, let me know and we'll try to figure out what's wrong.  Right  now, it could be typical puppy behavior.

As far as the peeing in his sleep, I had a puppy do that until he was 18 months old.  Nice, I know.  It decreased in frequency as he got older but the last time it happened he was about a year and a half.  I did witness it and he was dead asleep, on his side, peeing.  :(  Not fun for me since he was in my bed.  ;)