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91/2 month boxer waiting to go into heat

19 15:55:55

Just wondering, we are planning to breed our newest boxer, she is 91/2 months and still no first heat.  Is that normal.  We won't be breeding until at least her second heat, but I thought they go into season a little younger...

Hi Nancy. I have never personally had a female Boxer go into heat for the first time before she was a year old. They usually waited intil they were 1 1/2 years of age, one even waited until she was over two to have her first heat. One suggestion though, wait until she's at least two before even thinking about breeding her. This breed needs more time to mature, breed her too young and you may end up taking care of them yourself, or running into problems. That way, you can also have her health tests done, as you have to wait until they're two before you can do most of them anyway. Good luck!