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New Meds now peeing in sleep

19 15:58:37

QUESTION: Hello.  I had one of the worst days in my life yesterday.  I had just brought home an 8 week old boxer to my fiance this past Monday and my fiance's roommate decided to get the brother on Friday.  Well, both had a very very horrible cough.  We took them both to the vet yesterday and they were both diagnosed with Kennel Cough, double yeast ear infections and my dog had one mite in his right ear.  Well since we were there we also went ahead and had both of them get their 3rd set of shots.  Well, $460 later my dog had an extreme allergic reaction to the shots.  

We rushed him to the OSU Vet ER.  His face swelled up so bad that his lips looked as if they turned inside out and were going to burst or rip.  His eyes were so swollen he could not open them at all.  They gave him a shot of Benedryl and steriods IM.  

Well, when I got home I went ahead and gave him his antibiotic for his kennel cough and the pain killer they also gave him for the cough and put his drops in his ears.  Well, about an hour later he starting peeing a little bit hear and there and in the middle of the night he peed in his sleep 3 times and just laid in it dead asleep.  Should I take him back to the vet?  

I worried but I was told that it was probably from the pain killer and benedryl but I want a second opinion before I take him back and blow it off on the meds and it actually be something more serious.  Thanks for any help!

ANSWER: Hi Julie,

Some things about your post are bothering me.  Are you certain you got them a third set of shots??  At 8 weeks old they should have been just getting their first or about 3 weeks away from the second.  Did the vet know that this was to be their third set?  I'm flabbergasted that a vet would have done this.  It's absolutely no wonder that your dog had a reaction.

I'm also very concerned that two puppies out of the same litter had kennel cough and a yeast infection.  What type of conditions was this litter being kept in?  As a responsible owner, you should call the breeder (I use that term loosely) and let her know 2 of the puppies were sick.  She should then, in turn, contact any other buyers.

The urination most likely has nothing to do with the benadryl but could very well be a reaction to the pain killer and steroids.  Normally, steroids will increase thirst which increases urine output...more water in, more water out.  If he was on a drip, that would have introduced fluids to his system.

At his age, he does not have physical control over his bladder.  He's the same as an infant in diapers.  When he has to go, it just comes out.  By about 10 weeks he should have better control.  I'd not be overly concerned while he's on the medication of his peeing habits are a bit off.  Just make sure you're taking him outside every hour steadily.  He should also be taken out when he wakes up (immediately) and within 15 minutes of eating, drinking or exercising.

There is nothing wrong, however, with taking him to the vet and having a urinalysis done.  These dogs are not healthy...I'd be having every test known to man run on them.

I know that you didn't ask this but because you mentioned it I feel it needs to be addressed.  Inexperienced owners shouldn't get littermates.  Not a hot idea.  I don't know how much time any of you have spent with dogs so don't take offense to the 'inexperienced'.  :)  Littermates tend to bond with each other and not their humans unless major effort is taken.  The best course of action for you all is to feed them in separate rooms, take them on separate walks, take them to separate obedience classes.  Basically, spend as much one on one time with them as possible.  There's nothing wrong with them playing, sleeping, etc. together but you don't want that to be the normal course of the day.  If you ignore this bit of advice,  you all are going to have a major issue when they get older.  ;)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for your advice. I will be calling the "breeder" tomorrow.  I checked their shot record from the breeder (and the vet did know it was the 3rd set as she updated their shot record) and on 8/24 they had parvo and corona, on 9/13 they had distemper, adenovirus 2, parainfluenza and parvo, lastly on 9/29 they had their distemper and corona.  

My fiance and I did not plan on getting the second one actually.  His roommate's uncle who owns the house they are living in actually fell in love with ours and went to the same "breeder and got the brother 4 days later.  

I completely agree with keeping them seperated, I feel like the other puppy is the "biter/fighter" and ours is more of a "cuddler" and it makes me nervous.

Thanks again,  you have made feel better about the urination situation.  Like I said, yesterday was a very scary situation.  Julie

ANSWER: You're welcome, Julie.  :)

I know you didn't ask but your pup's vaccination history is of great concern to me.  Here's how it should have happened...

At 6 weeks (we'll say that's when the breeder should have vaccinated 1st) they should have had a combination vaccine minus leptospirosis.

At 11 weeks they should have had another combination  and

At 15 weeks they should have had another combination and finally at 1 year, rabies.

Here's a good site:

Because your guy had a reaction, have a good read of this site:

I personally vaccinate my dogs (after the initial puppy shots) at 4 years and 7 years and then not again.  This is something you have to decide for yourself after a good bit of research.  :)

If I were you, I'd also think about getting a new vet.  ;0)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry I have another question.  I called 2 vets this morning to make another visit but none can take me today and I obviously am not going back to Banfield.  I was wondering if we should be seperating the puppies since they both have kennel cough?  The brother to my puppy is getting worse and waking up in the morning very very lethargic and breathing hard.  He also has thrown up clear mucous looking stuff once.  I told the vet I needed to get in today but they can't take me until Friday morning and they wouldn't give me any feedback over the phone.  What do you think?  Is this one of those things that gets worse before it gets better?  I have been giving both their meds like prescribed.  Thank you!

Hey - don't be sorry.  :)  Sorry I got back to you later than I should have.  Working nights, my schedule is sort of opposite everyone else.

KC is essentially the same as an upper respiratory infection in humans.  There are several strains...antibiotics don't help all of them, nor do the bordatella vaccinations.

KC, on it's own, should resolve in 10-14 days.  (Without meds).  There's no dates on these darn posts...when did they start the meds?  A couple days ago?

KC can be havoc for a Boxer because, at times, they have difficulty breathing anyway (smooshed face).  Without having seen him and seeing him now, I can't tell you if he's getting worse, better or may have something else wrong.  I would give the meds a couple more days to kick in...keep him warm, try to get him to drink fluids (if he's refusing water, add a bit of pedialyte)...take him in on Friday.  If the vomiting continues or worsens, call them back and tell them it's getting worse. Same with the lethargy and his overall attitude.  YOU know what he should be behaving your gut. NO vet should refuse you.

Vets typically won't give feedback over the phone.  They used to but they get sued as much as dr.'s now and giving you feedback without seeing the puppy could be bad news for them.  Don't be put off by that.

It isn't imperative that you keep them separated unless they aren't letting each other rest.  I've had several fosters in and out of here with KC.  The only ones of my own that ever got it were the ones that weren't vaccinated for it.  Go figure.  :)