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Boxer/Lab food help

19 15:56:11

Hi Ive had a Boxer/Lab puppy for about a month and a half to 2 months now and have been feeding him Purina One Large Breed puppy food.....At first he was doing pretty good on eating it regualraly when I would put it down but now hes starting to get really stubborn and or I think he might actually be afraid of his food and dish.  Am I feeding him the right food and or how do I get him to start eating more?

Hi Chris,

Don't be fooled into buying a large breed food.  :)  Boxers/Labs are not large breeds (by food standards).  These foods are for dogs like Mastiffs and St. Bernards.

If his coat is shiny and soft and his eyes are bright, the Purina One is a fine choice.  Don't let him boss you.  :)  If you start switching his food or adding things to it, you'll create a dog that eats for a couple days and then waits you out to get something 'better'.

He should be eating 2 meals a day.  Put his food down for 20 minutes and then pick it up.  A healthy dog will NOT starve.  If he's really stubborn, you can expect him to go about 3 days w/out eating...any longer and you'll want to talk to a vet about possible medical issues.