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Sick Male Boxer

19 15:49:15

I have a 2 yr old male boxer and he has been in a lethargic state since this morning . He is not eating and stays in his bed. A vet is not available What should I do/

Hi Therese,

Lethargy and lack of appetite can be caused by a number of things; he might have eaten something that disagreed with him, he might have contracted an illness, or there might be many other things going on.  If he's still lethargic and not eating, and he hasn't seen a vet yet, he really needs to - they can do bloodwork to determine what might be the cause.  Vomiting and diarrhea are also signs that he should see a vet sooner rather than later, especially if they've been ongoing the last couple of days.

I'm sorry I can't give any more concrete answers, but there's just not enough information to go on!

Good luck!