Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > 6 year old boxer boy

6 year old boxer boy

19 15:53:35

I have noticed black spots on my boxer they look like he is getting freckles all of a sudden. But they are black. What is it and should i be worried. they are by his under arms and upper hind legs.

Hi Sandra,
I apologize for the delay in answering.  I have been very busy and just recently started back at work after vacation.

Do you have any more information on what exactly they look and feel like? Are these spots black because there is no hair there, or is the hair turning black?  It could be nothing but pigment, which is not uncommon in older dogs.  It could also be an allergic reaction to something he came in contact with or ate.

If you can possibly take a picture or provide me with some more info i'd be happy to help you can contact me at if you like.  If you are really nervous a trip to the vet would not hurt either!