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Puppy Boxer Dominance

19 15:58:19

We just brought a 3 yr old female boxer into our home with a 6 mo old male boxer who we have had since he was 10 wks old. Our female is very calm submissive. Since bringing her into the home, I have noticed that the male puppy is exhibiting dominate behavior over her. At feeding time, he will nudge her from her bowl and keep her from feeding. When she goes for a drink of water, he will nudge her out of the way so he can drink. If she attempts to go outside through the doggy door, he will make sure he goes first by bullying his way through. He constantly wants to play with her by nipping at her neck, mouth and legs, and by 'boxing' with her like boxers do. I have begun taking control of the food and water bowl by showing him the same dominance a pack leader would. My question is on his constant desire to play with her. It's obvious she does not meet his energy level and at times does not want to play with him. Should I intervene in this situation and keep him from nipping and boxing her?

Hi Victor,

Congratulations on your new female (and on your old puppy).  :)

You don't mention how long ago you brought her home but keep in mind it may take upwards of about 4 weeks for a dog to settle into her new home.  Her general personality may be calm and submissive (congratulations!!) but she may start to emerge a bit from her shell as well.

I'm glad to read that you've begun taking control of the food and water.  I wouldn't suggest separating them at food time like I would if you mentioned one was aggressive, but only to supervise and correct.  Make sure you're correcting at the right time.  The instant you can see his brain'll get really good at it as time goes on.  :)  He shouldn't even be able to take a step towards her before you're correcting...and by that I mean making a sharp noise and blocking (never striking or pulling).

There are times, such as you've seen, where it's beneficial for the human to intervene.  As far as play goes, let her deal with it.  There are behaviors a puppy learns best from an older dog...such as play behavior.  When she's had enough, she'll give him a warning (a growl, a shove, etc.).  If he doesn't back down, he might get bit.  A bite is no big deal...if it teaches a lesson.  If it turns into an all out war, obviously you'd need to step in.

I would suggest giving her a break or two during the day.  Take her out for a walk alone, separate them using a babygate.  Often, an older dog (comparatively) will benefit from having a special place to retreat to...a crate is a great place for just that purpose!  If you have, or decide to get her a cage for a retreat, make it her own.  Don't let puppy in it.

Good luck and have fun!