Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boxers > help!!!!!


19 15:56:43

Hi, so i have a male boxer, and were trying to breed him, neither the male or female have had a pups before. But were not really sure how you would know if they successfully mated, we've had a lot of different tips, and were not sure if there all true, like when they mate do they have to stick there bums together? someone said yes because there protecting it,?but see we thought as long as he gets it in that would work? please help, thank you for your time

Just allow them to be together for a few days or week.

Nature will take it's course, and she will allow him when ready.

They "stick" together (not bums) because he swells up after ejaculation, and it's nature's way of "sealing" momentarily to allow the sperm to stay in and increase it's chances of fertilization.

When she stops accepting him, she is over her heat and then you watch for signs of pregnancy later.

Weight increase right off. Appetite increase. She will stay closer to her master (whom ever that is in the family- her chosen one) and be more needy.

Her vulva will not go back down to normal size- it will stay somewhat swollen. The skin will darken.

Her tits will swell in size and darken.

Then, take her to the vet in about 3 weeks. He can confirm the pregnancy.

Later he can x-ray or do a sonar gram to determine how far along she is, and how many puppies.

Gestation is 58-63 days. Keep a calendar of the first known mating, and when finished. This is your bible for her whelping date.