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Bumps on my boxer puppy

19 15:58:56

Since yesterday I spotted bumps on both sides of my 5mo old boxer puppy girl. I told my Husband it could be mosquito bites, but I'm not a vet. What could this be? I've noticed her scratching alot, and she doesn't look like she's in pain, eats all her food and drinks alot of water like a good girl. Should I take her to a vet?

Hi Amelia!

Yes, you should take her to the vet only because you've not seen this problem before.  Depending on what it is, and assuming it's something simple, once you know what it is and how to treat it, you won't have to run to the vet each time.

It could be flea bites, tick bites, mosquito bites, bee stings, hives, an allergic reaction other than hives, a staph infection...any number of things.  It's really hard to say without seeing it.

If a vet isn't immediately sure, they'll do a skin scraping to give her  proper diagnosis.  :)

In the meantime, you can get some hydrocortisone spray from the pet store to relieve the itching.

Good luck with her!