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grown dogs and parvo

19 15:58:05

can a 3 yr. old dog get parvo. my walker coonhound has diarreah and is not active. she eats very little.

Well, my expertise is with the Boxer breed, but i believe i can help you some.  It is most common for younger dogs to get parvo, but it can happen in older dogs.  Has your dog ever been vaccinated against parvo when they were younger?

Generally, the time from exposure to the virus to the development of symptoms is short, 3 to 14 days. Symptoms usually include loss of appetite, depression and vomiting.  Has your dog thrown up at all? Has the diarrhea developed into a more serious problem where blood is also in the diarrhea?

A dog suddenly not being active and having diarrhea could be a number of things, but i suggest immediate medical treatment for your dog; For your own peace of mind and to rule out any life threatening medical issues!